Membership in the Vancouver chapter is open to all persons interested in ostomy rehabilitation, education and welfare. Many of our members do not have ostomies, but have a personal interest in the fortunes of those who do. Annual membership fees are $30.00. Members receive 6 issues of the Vancouver newsletter HighLife in whichever medium they prefer -- hard copy or electronic -- and 2 issues of Ostomy Canada magazine. Meetings are held 4 times yearly (Feb, April, June and September (AGM) at Collingwood Neighbourhood House, 5288 Joyce Street, Vancouver.
Membership fees and donations enable us to rent our meeting hall, print and mail newsletters, produce New Patient Handbooks and related literature that is critical to reaching patients in hospital or who may be isolated. Fees and donations help us send children with ostomies to an annual summer Ostomy Youth Camp. Just as importantly, your presence at meetings can be a huge source of encouragement to those whe have recently undergone surgery. You may be confident and content with your ostomy now, and may feel you don't need the UOA or its services. However, WE need YOU if we want to continue to provide a structure within which those who are struggling or just need to talk to others like themselves can find their way. Join us, renew your membership, come to a meeting! Help make the journey easier for someone else.
As a non-profit, volunteer association we welcome donations, bequests and gifts. Tax receipts for $20 or more will be forwarded for all donations. Donations should be made payable and addressed to:
#1103 - 1790 Bayshore Dr.
Vancouver, BC
V6G 3G5
To join please fill out the registration form.
Memberships are $30 per year. You will receive our bi-monthly newsletter in hard copy or email (your choice) as well as Ostomy Canada Society Magazine twice yearly. Donations above the membership fee are gladly accepted. All funds will receive an automatic tax receipt